Saturday, March 29, 2014

Five Minute Friday-- MIGHTY

This is another Lisa-Jo Five Minute Friday (write for 5-minutes on the word she gives, no editing).

But before I begin.... she has a book coming out and if the rest of it is as good as the three chapters I read, this will be going on my "beloved book list."  

OK-- Mighty. 

First thing that comes to mind is the shirt my brother and sister-in-law just bought for my son.  It has a picture of a dinosaur on it and it reads, "Be Mighty."  And boy is he mighty.  He fills a mighty part of my life with his mighty presence.  He is a beautiful masterpiece of our mighty God and I thank God for allowing me the mighty honor to be his mother.  

On a completely different note--- the other thing that came to mind when I thought of mighty is my next blog post.  I have been working on a project that I am going to launch very soon, possibly even today.  I am just trying to figure out the right name for it.  The project is a mighty undertaking and I'm hoping others will join me in it.  It is a 365-day list filled with prompts that will lead to a more fulfilling life.  

Check back for that blog post very soon.  I am excited to share it with you.  

1 comment:

  1. Hope your mighty undertaking goes well~! :D Love your son's T shirt.
