Friday, April 11, 2014

Five Minute Friday-- PAINT

It's a Lisa-Jo Five Minute Friday!   Write for five minutes on the word provided.
Today's word is:


After reading Lisa-Jo's intro and her prompt: PAINT, I immediately thought of Julie Meyer's song "Paint your Picture."

Paint your Picture (or Paintbrush) by Julie Meyer

Pick me up like a paintbrush, God. Dip it in the colors of my life. Paint Your picture, Father, And fashion a heart that is wholly Yours
Take Your fingers, God. Master Potter, Come mold the clay. Tell Your story as You mold me Fashion a heart that is wholly Yours
And write Your name, write Your name In the clay. And sign Your name, sign Your name On the picture.

Take all I am. Take all I have. I am Yours forever, forever...

It is such a beautiful song which I had the honor to dance to with a group of wonderful women in seminary.

Painting is a creative expression of self. This is something any of us can do, no matter our skill level. In various classes over the years, I've been given painting prompts just like Lisa-Jo gives writing prompts and it almost always surprises me to see what comes out of it. We learn about ourselves when we get creative in our communication.

But I want to get back to the song-- to think that we are art on God's canvas is such an amazing image. If we ever think we aren't beautiful or that our life doesn't have meaning...just remember that The Artist of Life, the Master Potter has a hand in who we are, who we were and who we are becoming.

God has written God's name all over our lives and has claimed us as masterpieces. We can respond by living as beautifully as we were created. As we co-create with God, let's make our lives and the world a beautiful living testament to the Artist of Life.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I'm thankful to be God's canvas, because i'm sure I would mess up the job! :) Thanks for sharing!
    From FMF
