Monday, June 9, 2014

Update on the 365 Days to a More Fulfilling Life.

Since I have not updated my blog in a while, I decided to do an update now that I'm almost two months into my 365 list. (found here--- ) There's still plenty of time to join in!

It has challenged me to do things I wouldn't have done and think about things I wouldn't have thought about. It's prompted me to socialize with people and give more.

As per the list, I wrote myself three letters—one to be read in 1 year, 5 years and 10. The first one made me realize how quickly a year will come, the 5-year made me think about my goals and the 10 year made me realize how quickly life is going to pass---my niece will be 22! The days that prompt me to “do a random act of kindness” keep me aware of the ways we can really help each other out. There are small things we could do everyday that can really help people.

The days that prompted me to go inward allowed me to connect with my own thoughts instead of reading everyone's on facebook. While I love keeping up with people, it's good to spend time with your own thoughts too. Other posts asked me to do fun things or socialize and I'm grateful for those-- such as “ask your friends what their favorite funny movie is and watch one” and “share your childhood memories with someone.” I watched “What About Bob?” and I spent an evening comparing childhood stories with my husband, brother, mom and niece. (My niece loved hearing our stories!) We probably would have spent the evening talking about frustrating or depressing current events, but instead we had fun reminiscing our childhoods and hearing stories we've never heard before.

One day told me to “write someone a letter.” I chose someone who was not on facebook and who I have not seen in a number of years. She was so surprised I wrote her and I ended up bumping into her a few days later. I think it re-opened a connection. What a great prompt.

I have learned things I wouldn't have because of this challenge-- I learned about Passover, May Day and Uzbekistan....I learned how I can be greener, how to properly use a comma, how to say a few words in French. I also discovered an awesome library nearby.

I've missed a few days for one reason or another, such as “Host a Pot Luck” because I was invited to a party that day. When I miss days I try to make them up. I look forward to continuing this list and invite you all to join me!

I printed the list out and keep it on my bedside table along with a journal to record a few sentences about how I completed that day's prompt. It helps to think it over and it'll be fun to go back and read it over later.

Here's the link to the list:

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